홈 마곡도시개발 영문> Project Introduction> Development Background> Status of Target Location

Development Background

Status of Target Location

Neighboring Land Usage Status

Neighboring Land Usage Status

  • 1- Gangseo-ro East Axis

    Business building, commercial building of the neighborhood living purpose at the horizontal district, and inside of the complex, large size apartment complex is located.

  • 2- Banghwa-daero West Axis

    As the lower floor resident concentrate region, it is assigned to the Banghwa Newtown development region.

  • 3- South of the Target Location

    Because Balsan resident development regions is developed now, about 63000 pyeong Gangseo-gu agricultural product retail market is created.

  • 4- North of the Target Location

    Resident area and as the semi-industry regions, small-mid size factories like car repair stores are located, and lower common resident areas are increasing. Also, because the west-south sewer treatment facility is located, the use of neighbor lands are not active, and Han River, Gaehwa, Banghwa, and Goongsan neighbor parks are located, and on the south, Woojang Mountain neighbor part and Soomyeong Mountain is located, so various green and ecology resources are presented.

Topography and Geography

  • As the low level area than surrounding, Goongsan, Woojang Mountain and etc is located at the near Magok region.
  • Inside of region is mostly flat area, and there is few slopes. Some slopes by the water line bank are presented.

    Altitude Analysis, Slope Analysis

Scenery of the Target location

  • It is analyzed that planed object area surrounding view is normal by having Han River and Goong Mountain at the north side.
  • North side is relatively low mountain, but there is green space of Soomyoung Mountain. Also, using possibility of Magok water path is huge, so to the outside of object area, south-north scene and view of Magok water path and accessibility is normal.

    Scenery of the Target location

Usage region/ District status

  • Most of object regions are natural green regions, and at the near of the airport road, landscape green region is assigned.
  • There is central beauty district is assigned at the airport road side of the object region.
  • Because Kimpo airport is located at the near, maximum attitude district is assigned.